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  • 公司: 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 保定市莲池区后辛庄村
  • 联系: 王刚
  • 手机: 15720001423
  • 一键开店


2020-03-24 03:12:02  249次浏览 次浏览
价 格:3200

宏旭模具厂专业定制河道挡土墙模具。挡土墙钢模具作为一件大型的水泥构件模具,主要以钢铁为原料,以切割电焊为主要生产制造工艺,主要特点结构牢固,加大了水泥浇筑脱模次数,在针对挡土墙等大件水泥制品施工时,起到非常显著的作用,当然缺点就是单个成本造价相对来讲比较高。在实际类似工程施工中,中小型水泥挡渣块、挡土墙等基本使用塑料模具来生产制造。一般需要用到塑料挡土墙模具的用量都很大,主要采用的是PP聚丙烯材质,成本低,施工易,效率高,非常适合大型工程大量生产使用。 随着环保法实施,挡土墙模具行业转型升级,企业需要投入更多的物力与财力来提高自身技术、装备以及管理水平,无形中增加了挡土墙模具加工成本。Hongxu mould factory specializes in customized River retaining wall mould. As a large-scale cement component mold, the steel mold for retaining wall mainly uses steel as raw material, cutting and welding as the main production and manufacturing process. Its main characteristics are firm structure, increasing the number of cement pouring and demoulding. It plays an unusual and significant role in the construction of large cement products such as retaining wall. Of course, the disadvantage is that the single cost is relatively high. In the actual construction of similar projects, small and medium-sized cement blocks, retaining walls and other basic use of plastic mold to produce. Generally, the amount of plastic retaining wall mold is very large, mainly PP polypropylene material, low cost, easy construction, high efficiency, very suitable for large-scale production. With the implementation of environmental protection law and the transformation and upgrading of retaining wall mold industry, enterprises need to invest more material and financial resources to improve their own technology, equipment and management level, which increases the processing cost of retaining wall mold virtually.

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