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  • 公司: 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 保定市莲池区后辛庄村
  • 联系: 王刚
  • 手机: 15720001423
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2020-03-24 03:27:01  227次浏览 次浏览
价 格:2360

水泥隔离墩模具是我们平常生活中经常可以见到的一种防护措施,主要是以水泥隔离墩和混凝土隔离墩为主,可以在发生火灾的时候起到很好的阻隔作用。一些体积比较小的隔离墩表面会被刷上彩色的涂料,投入市场中以供使用。红白相间的隔离墩和黄黑相间的隔离墩是模具用的比较多的一种,水泥隔离墩模具的尺寸多种多样,有着长一米的水泥隔离墩模具也有体积小巧的长五十厘米的水泥隔离墩模具。这是因为使用环境也是有各种规格样的,一些学校、居民区周围放置的隔离墩的体积就比较的小,但是数量多,用绳子穿过隔离墩侧面的小孔将他们联系在一起,然后可以适应各种不同的弯角。体积比较大的隔离墩经常应用在各种码头、桥梁建设和高速公路上。可以很好的保护过往车辆的,在高速公路上将双向行车道分隔开,让交通运行的更加的顺利。隔离墩表面会粘贴反光条,方便夜间行车也能看清楚,能够提醒司机注意。The mold of cement isolation pier is a kind of safety protection measure that we can often see in our daily life. It is mainly composed of cement isolation pier and concrete isolation pier, which can play a good role in blocking in case of fire. Some smaller isolated pier surfaces will be painted with color paint and put into the market for use. The red and white isolation piers and the yellow and black isolation piers are one of the more widely used mold. The size of the cement isolation pier mold is various. There are one meter long cement isolation pier mold and 50 cm long cement isolation pier mold. This is because there are various specifications of the use environment. Some schools and residential areas have relatively small volume of isolation piers, but there are a lot of them. Use ropes to connect them through the holes on the side of the isolation piers, and then they can adapt to different corners. Isolation piers with large volume are often used in various wharf, bridge construction and expressway. It can well protect the safety of passing vehicles, separate the two-way traffic lanes on the expressway, and make the traffic run more smoothly. Reflective strip will be pasted on the surface of isolation pier, which is convenient for driving at night and can be seen clearly, and can remind the driver to pay attention to safety.

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