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  • 公司: 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 保定市莲池区后辛庄村
  • 联系: 王刚
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2020-03-26 05:23:36  189次浏览 次浏览
价 格:2160


The cement frame slope protection mould should select new technology, new skills and strengthen the transformation of energy-saving skills; the mould design and production skills should be selected, the use of computer-aided design and numerical simulation in mould design should be strengthened, the scrap rate of mould design should be reduced, the processing technology of mould should be optimized and the power consumption should be reduced. The main body of the frame slope protection mold is for different prefabricated blocks of the frame slope protection. Because the frame slope protection mold is a general concept, not specifically a kind of mold, so when the plastic or steel mold of the frame slope protection is needed, the mold drawings need to be provided accurately. The frame slope protection mold is mainly from the perspective of steel mold, because at present, customized frame slope protection bricks are used as follows. General plastic refers to the four box slope protection mold, which is often the inner square. This kind of frame slope protection was used in fish ponds in Northeast China, and later developed to other rivers, water conservancy, use areas and scope expansion. This kind of mold customization is very complex, and the production time is also very long.

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