


  • 公司: 济宁泰松商贸有限公司
  • 地址: 山东济宁
  • 联系: 张盼盼
  • 手机: 15634460566
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2020-09-22 03:03:01  217次浏览 次浏览
价 格:76523



造雪机 (76).jpg造雪机性能特点: 1、气温Dzero度既可开启高温大排量造雪模式,昼夜不停,制雪快,出雪效率高。每小时制雪量达1zerozerom3。 2、机头采用5zero83铝合金与热锌镀处理,F锈、F腐蚀、耐高维增加使用寿命。 3、每小时造雪量达1zerozero立方米,出水量:立方米/时,射程距离远至7zerom。 4、提供滑雪场规划设计,帮您解决冬季滑雪场自然降雪量的难题,并提供Y战式服务。 5、低温造雪显著,每1立方水能造立方雪。


造雪机 (18).jpgUnder what conditions does the funa machine have a good snow output effect? Snowmaker is no stranger to everyone. It can be said that it has a place in the ice and snow industry. It is the key to choose a hardware snow-making equipment if you want the ski resort to operate in advance. Let's analyze under which conditions the funa machine has a good snow output effect. 1. snow-making conditions: observe the weather in advance, and start the snow-making mode from temperature d to zero degree j, but do not consider external factors at 4.5 degrees from d to zero. 2. Preparation before snowmaking:

造雪机 (52).jpgWhen the snowmobile is in operation, the components in the link from Q water-retaining pipe to nozzle are unblocked, so it is recommended to test or check the snowmobile before snowmaking. 3. Humidity condition: If the humidity is too high, the snow maker can't make snow. Watch the weather forecast at S, and choose to avoid the snow making time in case of snow. 4. After the snow making work is completed, it is necessary to store the snow maker reasonably, carefully transport it, and select a dry warehouse for storage, so as to prepare for the next snow supplement work. The above four points are what we need to pay attention to in the process of snow making, so that the effect of snow making can satisfy ourselves.

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