


  • 公司: 济宁泰松商贸有限公司
  • 地址: 山东济宁
  • 联系: 张盼盼
  • 手机: 15634460566
  • 一键开店


2020-09-22 02:12:01  220次浏览 次浏览
价 格:8650


a7a9c7c3b23853c9526e9f0672a3743.jpg悠波球 (22).jpg动力单元采用液压系统,电动机功率为1.5KW,耗电量每小时约1.5度,主电源电压为两相220V电压,运行转速在可控范围内为3-6r/min。 旋转直径为10米,总高度为3.2米,总重量为600公斤,四个旋转臂每个配备一个大黄鸭,共可乘坐8人。 规格:1000*1000*320cm 功率:2.2KW 可乘坐8人 水上设备-户外转转产品优势: 与之前电动游乐转转相比优势: 1、液压系统传动比较平稳,冲击力小,进而在开始或停止时,乘人感觉比较平稳; 2、液压系统运行牢靠、稳定,维护成本底、寿命长; 3、更节能,比电动游乐转转节能70%以上,运行成本低。 注:为延长设备使用寿命,正常运转时四个旋转臂之间乘人尽量均衡,不易严重偏载。

悠波球 (33).jpgThe water recreation equipment is also very novel in the shape of water recreation and snow recreation. Generally, there are four arms. Small snow recreation is only provided with a row of ski circles on the outer circle. For larger ones, two ski circles can be dragged by each arm. Both the inner and outer circles can slide synchronously. The shape of the arm is designed and manufactured. It is no longer the old iron pipe, which makes the snow recreation look more beautiful. Generally, a cartoon image will be added to the upper end of the column. They are all cartoon images popular with children in the market, including Xiong Da Xiong Er, Logger Vick, SpongeBob and other classic cartoon characters, which make the whole equipment more in line with the children's aesthetic, so children will be deeply attracted by it. Snow turns are controlled by

雪地转转9.jpgintegrated circuits, and timing setting is more convenient to manage. For large-scale ice and snow amusement parks, snow turns are self-funded amusement items, which can be priced according to specific conditions and charged every 15 minutes. Tourists are allowed to ride at a set time and can stop at the end of the time. Management is very convenient.

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