


  • 公司: 北京道奇思唯装饰工程设计有限公司
  • 地址: 北京市朝阳区百子湾路32号二十二院街艺术区2号楼B座2305
  • 联系: 扈雪涛
  • 手机: 13693315114
  • 电话: 010-58769288
  • 一键开店

北京道奇思唯装饰工程设计有限公司, 是一家以专业水准求创新的设计公司。道心至上、奇为心念,道心是人心也是道奇人做事、做人的态度,包含了仁、义、礼、智、善;奇是我们对设计的求,为创新、为完美。 北京道奇思唯装饰工程设计有限公司是中国建筑装饰协会会员单位,与世界500强企业多次合作,我们与众多企业合作都保持着良好的口碑,这使道奇人在工作中稳健的走着每一步。 我们专注于公共空间的室内外环境设计,拥有一支由境内外设计师组成的设计团队。设计领域至商业空间、酒店会所空间、办公空间。设计经验丰富。可为您提供集装饰设计、工程施工、材料配送、配饰为一体的整套服务。 公司倾注于精品装饰工程的设计与施工,在办公空间、酒店宾馆、餐饮娱乐、大型商业空间等装修工程中积累了丰富的经验,建立了从方案设计、工程施工、质量检验到验收服务一系列完整细致的工程服务流程。 Beijing Dodge decoration engineering design co. LTD. is a professional creative design company. Tao-mind for goal and Novel-mind for heart is our vision. Tao-mind is the attitude of dodgers to behave and to work. Meanwhile it includes the benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and goodness. Novel-mind is our design pursuit for innovation and perfection.Beijing Dodge decoration engineering design co. LTD., a member of China Construction & Decoration Association, ever worked with the world top 500 enterprises for many times. We keep a good reputation among our partners. All these make the Dodge people walk their way steady. We focus on indoor and outdoor public space environment design. We have a design team composed of domestic and overseas designers. Our design fields inlude commercial space, hotel office space and office space. We provide you with a whole package of services from decoration design, engineering, construction, material distribution to accessory decoration.Beijing Dodge focuses on design and construction of high-class decoration engineering, We have accumulated much experience in projects of high-class office space, hotel & restaurant space, dining & en



  • 主营: 北京商场设计装修,北京酒店设计装修,北京会所设计装修
  • 地址: 北京市朝阳区百子湾路32号二十二院街艺术区2号楼B座2305
  • 联系: 扈雪涛
  • 手机: 13693315114
  • 电话: 010-58769288
  • 本站共被浏览过 28012 次

